Standing Figure 4

Having good mobility at your hips is important for keeping your hip joints healthy and for moving efficiently. Having limited hip mobility can negatively impact your back, when your hip isn't able to move correctly, you can compensate with your back. Do this stretch on a regular basis to help keep your hips moving well. Instructions Place your…
Tags: Fitness
Strawberry Salad

This salad represents some of the best foods of summer! Tender greens and fresh berries. Berries offer a huge nutritional punch. Click here to read more about the power of berries. The strawberry dressing is so, so good! The recipe makes a little over one cup so you will have plenty of extra. For the strawberry salad dressing 1 ½ cups…
Tags: Recipes, Salads
Banded Deadlift

Deadlifts are an excellent exercise for strengthening the glutes, hamstrings and back, and they are a great opportunity to pattern hinging at the hip. Teaching your body to hinge at the hip versus bending forward at your spine is an important way to save wear and tear on your spine. Most people bend forward by rounding the spine, done over many years,…
Tags: Fitness
Plantar Fascia Stretch

If you have ever had plantar fasciitis, this stretch is going to be your friend. The plantar fascia is dense connective tissue that connects the heel to the front of the foot. It acts as a shock absorber and helps to support the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis often presents with pain in the heel especially first thing in the morning. This is…
Tags: Fitness
Chick Pea Chocolate Chip Cookies

These chocolate chip cookies are steps above your average chocolate chip cookie! Jam packed with fiber and plant based protein, you won't get the sugar crash that comes with cookies made from refined flour and added sugar. You don't taste the chick peas, but they do help create a moist dense cookie. I like one of these cookies in the afternoon with…
Tags: Dessert, Recipes
Self Determination Theory

Self Determination refers to a person’s ability to make choices and manage their own lives. This is important for motivation because people feel more motivated to take action when they feel what they do will have an effect on what they are trying to accomplish. Self Determination Theory suggests that people are motivated to grow and change by three…
Tags: Inspiration
Straight Leg Bridge with Hip Flexion

This is a great exercise to strengthen the glutes, core stabilizers, and the hip flexors, all important for strong running, hiking or cycling. If you look at this exercise, it looks like the perfect position for these activities. My client, Fred, is a competitive cyclist and all around good athlete and is demonstrating this exercise perfectly. If…
Tags: Fitness
Overnight Steel Cut Oats- Two Methods

Steel cut oats are less processed than rolled oats and are a great source of fiber, protein and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The downside of steel cut oats for me anyway, is they take a long time to cook in the morning, and the pan gets really messy. Enter, the two best short cuts ever! Overnight steel cut oats stove…
Tags: Breakfast, Recipes
Sweet Dreams

If someone asks me, “Which is most important, diet or exercise? My response would be, “neither.” I know that may sound strange, but once you delve into the science of sleep, you realize that unless you are getting enough sleep, it will be much harder to follow a healthy diet, and your body will not repair the way it should after a workout. If you…
Tags: Fitness
Single Leg Squat and Reach

This intermediate level exercise is a terrific exercise for balance, hip and core stability, and strengthens the muscles of the foot ankle. I am a huge fan of single leg exercises because there is a big carry over in improvement in activities of daily living like climbing stairs, walking and running and fall prevention. Most of the ways we move requires…
Tags: Fitness