2020 Archives
The Perfect Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexors can be found connecting the top of the femur, which is the largest bone in the body, to the lower back, hips, and groin. When these muscles get tight, they can pull on your spine and contribute to back pain. They also cause the opposing muscle group, the gluteals to shut down. What causes tight hip flexors? Prolonged sitting is a…
Tags: Fitness
White Bean and Swiss Chard Soup

A simple soup with wonderful flavor and plenty of protein and fiber from the beans and Swiss chard. Serve with a hearty piece of bread. Ingredients 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 leeks, washed and chopped 1 large yellow onion, finely diced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 bay leaf 4 cups vegetable stock 1 15.5oz can Cannellini Beans drained…
Tags: Recipes, Soup/Stew
Interview with my sister Sonia DeFelice, MYWW-(Weight Watchers reimagined) Coach

My sister Sonia is a superstar workshop coach for WW - Weight Watchers reimagined. She started as a member of Weight Watchers for the first time nearly 15 years ago but most recently rejoining just over 4 years ago, and then was recruited as a workshop coach. Sonia is known in the company for leading energetic and inspiring workshops. Sonia and…
Tags: Inspiration
Single Leg Deadlift

Understanding the concept of hinging from your hips and not bending your spine is so important for sparing your spine and for effective strengthening of the hip. This exercise takes lots of balance and hip strength. Start with just your body weight and practice next to a wall or pole to help steady yourself if needed. This is a more advanced exercise. Instructions Start…
Tags: Fitness
Goblet Squat

Squatting is fundamental for most movement. Holding the weight in front of you can put you in a better position to squat correctly. It also puts a bit more load on your quads along with strengthening the glutes, hamstrings and abdominal muscles. Instructions Hold weight in front of you at about chest level. Shift your hips back into your heels/midfoot. Be…
Single Leg Bridge

This is one of my favorite exercises for strengthening the glutes, low back and hamstrings while teaching hip stability. Week, unstable hips can contribute to low back pain and knee pain. Once your hips are strong and stable, your knees can track the way they should and your spine can stay in a more stable position. Instructions Add tension…
Tags: Fitness
Homemade Almond Milk

When Randy and I were in Telluride last February, we stayed with our friends Bill and Cheryl. Cheryl put out the most divine almond milk that she makes herself. It was just the right amount of creamy and just a little bit sweet. Pure perfection. So, when I got home I started experimenting. I have posted a recipe for you to try. It is wonderful in…
Tags: Recipes
Side Planks

Side Planks are a great exercise for strengthening your obliques, hips and low back.According to spine expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, strength in a side plank is an excellent exercise for spine stabilization. The top image shows my client Deborah in an intermediate side plank variation. Notice that her top leg is in front. This allows her to use her glutes…
Tags: Fitness
Coconut Turmeric Bread

I adapted this recipe from Vegan Richa. Get the original recipe here. This bread is moist and dense and not too sweet. It is perfect to have with a cup of coffee or tea in the afternoon. The color is gorgeous and the toasted coconut on top looks beautiful and is wonderfully fragrant, particularly when you are baking it. If you have ever made yourself…
Tags: Bread, Recipes
Creamy Roasted Carrot Soup

This creamy roasted carrot soup recipe comes from Cookie and Kate. Get the recipe here. This soups is really creamy and comforting without a drop of dairy. Roasting the carrots brings out the sweetness and I added some fresh ginger to add even more warmth of flavor. I brought this soup with me almost every day last week for lunch and never tiered…
Tags: Recipes, Soup/Stew