2017 Archives
Katie Mae's Banana Blueberry Bars

These bars are terrific for an "on the go" breakfast or as a healthy mid afternoon snack to have with a mug of tea. All whole ingredients, and a snap to make. I used fresh blueberries because I prefer the texture, but frozen will work too. Try a schmear of fresh almond butter for even more moisture and an extra shot of protein and fiber. Ingredients 1…
Tags: Breakfast, Energy Bars, Recipes
Easy Glazed Tofu

Easy Glazed Tofu This is one of those dishes that has so many possibilities! Prepare a batch and you can use it in a stir fry, as an addditon to your salad, or place it in a wrap along with some vegetables for a healthy on the go lunch. Ingredients 1 16oz block extra firm tofu 3 tablespoons of tamari 3 tablespoons of mirin, rice wine vinegar 2…
Tags: Main Course, Recipes
Exercise Technique- The Push-UP

Exercise Technique- The Push Up Push-ups are one of my favorite exercises because you can accomplish so many things with this one simple exercise. It is a wonderful core exercise; it also strengthens the pushing muscles of the upper body. As basic as this exercise may seem, I often see mistakes like, Head dropped; you want to keep your head…
Tags: Fitness
Exercise Technique: Foundation Training Founder

The Founder is an excellent exercise for strengthening the back of your body, especially the underused and imbalanced muscles of the lower back. This exercise also teaches you how to stabilize your spine properly while it increases the mobility and stability of your hips. I can’t think of anyone who won't benefit from this exercise! Hold this…
Tags: Fitness
Chard Ribbons with Cumin and Lemon

We all know that we should eat more dark leafy greens, but sometimes it is hard to come up with an interesting preparation. This recipe comes from Deborah Madison's new cookbook "The New Vegetarian Cookbook for Everyone." This book was a thoughtful gift from my friends Joanie and Guillaume. Deborah Madison was one of the early pioneers for really…
Tags: Recipes
A Plan to Be Happier in 2017

In our culture the pursuit of money, possessions, and social status is often equated with creating happiness. If you could only make X income, live in the right neighborhood, hang out with the right people and be thin and beautiful, THEN you would be happy. The problem is, chasing after things that are external can leave you very unsatisfied, especially…
Tags: Inspiration
Tropical Green Smoothie

Maybe you over celebrated during the holidays and are feeling like you want to get back on track. If so, this smoothie is a great start. The recipe is inspired by one of Angela Liddon's recipes. I added twice the amount of greens Angela's recipe called for because greens are so good for our hair, skin, bones and blood vessels. I also added more ginger…
Tags: Recipes, Smoothies