2017 Archives
The Best Way to Beat Back Pain is to Keep Moving and Wait It Out

About 25% of Americans say that they have had back pain within the past three months. Treatment of back pain with opioids has been a contributing factor to the crisis of drug addiction in this country. New guidelines recommended by the American College of Physicians say that non drug therapies such as massage, superficial heat, spinal manipulation,…
Tags: Fitness
Dreena's Chocolate Sweet Potato Cake

Dreena Burton is an amazing recipe creator. This cake is sweetened partially with cooked sweet potato, which also adds moisture and a tender texture. Pair it with the Chocolate Sweets Frosting, and you have a real winner! I made and served this cake to my dinner guests last night and I think it is safe to say that they enjoyed it. Makes 1 cake layer Ingredients 3/4…
Tags: Dessert, Recipes
My Talk with Dr. Eric Goodman, Creator of Foundation Training

A few years ago my friend Dave, who was dealing with back pain, asked me if I had heard about Foundation Training. I said, I think so, but let me take a look.” So I looked. Foundation Training is a strengthening and movement program designed to help people get out of back pain. After reading Eric’s first book, Foundation, I decided to take a deep…
Tags: Fitness, Inspiration
Golden Milk- Remedy for Sleep

Golden milk is an Ayurvedic drink to aid sleep. The pepper is an important part of this drink because it promotes the absorption of the turmeric. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. I have adapted the recipe slightly from Candice Oksenhorn of Swan Sage. Ingredients 2 cups of non- dairy milk of choice 1 tsp. Turmeric 1 tsp. Cinnamon 1…
Tags: Recipes
Rob's Black Bean Sliders

I went to the Cooking School of Aspen last Monday with my friend Bland to take Chef Rob Nesby's class on Vegetarian Sliders. My favorite was the Black Bean Slider which I am sharing with you! This slider has great flavor and a nice firm texture. There is nothing worse than a flimsy veggie burger that falls apart when you try to eat it. Since there…
Tags: Main Course, Recipes
The Best Stretch for Tight Hip Flexors

Foundation Training Lunge Decompression Extensive sitting creates havoc on our physiology and our architecture. When we sit, our hip flexors tighten and shorten, which causes a whole lot of trouble for our body – lower back pain, knee joint discomfort; imbalance of muscle strength, posture problems, and even a difference in leg length. The Hip…
Tags: Fitness
Raspberry Chia Jam Bars

I made these bars for my students in my Foundation Training Class. This coming week is the last week of the series and I want to bring them a healthy treat. If you are like me and LOVE jams but would also like to reduce sugar, chia seed jams are something to explore. February is heart health month and these bars will make your heart happy with all…
Tags: Breakfast, Dessert, Recipes
Exercise Technique- Dead Bug

I love dead-bugs, not the insect kind but the core exercise kind. Dead-bug progressions are not flashy or sexy like a TRX atomic push-up, but I still really like them like them because they can teach you a lot. This is one of my favorite intermediate variations of the exercise. Having contact with the floor provides some feedback so you are more…
Tags: Fitness
Telomeres, The Secret to Healthy Ageing

Telomeres are a hot right now. Ok, maybe not with everyone, but telomere talk is big within groups interested in longevity and healthy ageing. What are telomeres? Telomeres are caps on the strands of our DNA and sort of look like the plastic tips on the end of your shoelaces. Shorter telomeres are associated with a shorter life span and chronic…
Tags: Fitness
Can Dehydration Increase the Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke?

Yes it can! When you do not get enough water: Your blood gets thicker Your blood also clots more easily. The blood vessel walls secrete a substance called Von Willobrans Factor, which causes more clotting. The blood vessels constrict. (The kidneys secrete angiotensin that causes the bloodvessels to constrict to maintain blood pressure). Blood…