2017 Archives
Hot Fudge Sundae

Aspen Valley hosted a meatless Monday event last Monday that focused on getting kids to eat their vegetables. A huge thank you to Kristy Bates RD, and Sandy Holmes RD, for creating a delicious and inspiring menu that even the fussiest of kids got excited about. The hot fudge sundae was a HUGE hit. The fact that it was made from whole foods with no…
Tags: Dessert, Recipes
Weight Loss and Plant-Based Diets

I don’t like talking about dieting programs because they cause suffering and, simply, don’t work. You gain more weight back, negatively impact your metabolism, and you end up feeling like a failure. Dieting sucks on so many levels. Instead, developing healthy habits that you can stick with for life can create a happy, healthy and balanced person. We…
Tags: Fitness
Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Brain Health

There seems to be inconsistent advice on the issue of moderate alcohol consumption. The US government defines moderate alcohol consumption as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Some studies show that moderate alcohol consumption is postive for heart health but risky for breast cancer and some other types of cancer. A new…
Tags: Fitness
Banana Nut Blender Pancakes from Making Thyme for Health

These pancakes are so easy and so fast to make! I adapted this recipe slightly from Making Thyme for Health. Who doesn't like pancakes on Saturday morning? I know I do but I am usually trying to get the dogs walked and out the door by 8:30am to get out on my bike before it gets too hot, and pancakes can be messy and time consuming. THIS pancake…
Tags: Breakfast, Recipes
Chipotle Cauliflower Tacos

I adapted this recipe from a Meatless Monday recipe in the May/June 2017 issue of Cooking Light Magazine. It was so good, I had to share! I really appreciate that they point out in a side bar of the recipe that trading in a pound of ground beef for cauliflower in your tacos, saves about 1,800 gallons of water. So this recipe made with cauliflower…
Tags: Main Course, Recipes
Don’t Believe the Hype, Saturated is Not Good for You

Saturated fat is a major contributor to heart disease, and heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. There are too many “wellness experts,” and "sports coaches," who promote the idea that the science has been wrong, and that saturated fat does not cause heart disease. Saturated fat comes from animal fat and from tropical oils like…
Tags: Fitness
Easy Berry Jam That is Also Really Good For You

This recipe is adapted from a recipe I found on the Cookie and Kate food blog. It could not easier and offers a big nutritional punch. I use this jam on toast, added to plain yogurt, or as a topping for pancakes. Frozen berries, chia seeds and a few drops of maple syrup and you have jam. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, called anthocyanins,…
Tags: Recipes
"Glute Amnesia." Yes, it is a Real Thing.

I don’t think it is too far of a stretch to say that your gluteal muscles, or your “butt muscles” are probably the most important group of muscles you have. They are responsible for keeping us moving well and with strength, and they are very important for stabilizing not just your back but your whole body. We spend way too much time on our glutes…
Tags: Fitness
Raspberry Almond Thumbprint Cookies by Angela Liddon

I adapted this recipe by Angela Liddon of "Oh She Glows." Her food blog is consistently one of the top rate food blogs on the web. These cookies are delicious! I was assigned to make a simple dessert for a dinner party so I made these cookies and they were a big hit! I made a few adaptations, I used spelt flour instead of rice flour, I also baked the…
Tags: Recipes
Why the Term “Everything in Moderation,” is a Bad Idea.

I want to share a fantastic blog post by Shannon Harvey from “The Whole Health Life.” The statement, “everything in moderation” comes up a lot in my practice. The term “moderation” is hard to define and it means different things to different people. For example, The World Health Organization recently released a report calling processed meats like…
Tags: Fitness