What the World’s Best Biomechanics Professor Wishes People Knew About The Real Causes of Low Back Pain

If you read my post last week about my Top 12 Favorite web sites, blogs etc, you know that I included Dr. Stuart McGill’s web site. He is a huge influencer for me and for many other fitness professionals. Dr. McGill has been a Professor of Spine Biomechanics for the past 30 years at the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he has a laboratory and clinic that explore low back mechanics, injury mechanisms, rehabilitation protocols and performance enhancement. He has authored over 240 scientific journal papers and four textbooks. He really is the expert when it comes to the spine.
80% of Americans will suffer from low back pain in their lifetime. Most of these cases are lifestyle related and not because of an accident. Too much sitting and not enough movement coupled with exercises performed without good spine sparing technique cause real wear and tear on your spine. There are lots of myths when it comes to “training a bad back.” Over half of the patients that Dr. Stuart McGill sees were injured by improper training. The following article debunks long-held myths to help keep you pain free.
Myth 1: Back pain is linked to having tight hamstrings
Myth 2: Lying in bed is good for back pain
Myth 3: My daily workouts at the gym will get rid of my back pain
Myth 4: Yoga and Pilates are great ways to alleviate back pain
Myth 5: Stronger muscles will cure my back pain
Myth 6: Stretching is good for reducing back pain
Myth 7: Having a powerful back is protective
The following article debunks long-held myths to help keep you pain free. Read the article here.