The Perfect Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexors can be found connecting the top of the femur, which is the largest bone in the body, to the lower back, hips, and groin. When these muscles get tight, they can pull on your spine and contribute to back pain. They also cause the opposing muscle group, the gluteals to shut down.
What causes tight hip flexors? Prolonged sitting is a major contributor as is sports like cycling and running.
In a half kneeling position, contract the left glute and pushing th hip forward while maintaining a neutral spine. Raising the left arm, enhances the stretch. Hold for 15-30 seconds. Switch sides.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch
The technique in the standing position is very similar to the kneeling stretch. This can offer a deeper stretch. Contract the left glute, push the hip forward while keeping your spine neutral, be careful not to put excessive extension in your low back. Raising the left arm will enhance the stretch. Hold 15-30 seconds. Switch sides.

Don't do this...
In this image, she is actually arching or extending her spine more than she is putting her hip in a front tilt which is an effective way to stretch the hip flexors. You want movement coming from the hip not the spine. If you your back is extension sensitive, this may hurt.