The Best Stretch for Tight Hip Flexors

Foundation Training Lunge Decompression
Extensive sitting creates havoc on our physiology and our architecture. When we sit, our hip flexors tighten and shorten, which causes a whole lot of trouble for our body – lower back pain, knee joint discomfort; imbalance of muscle strength, posture problems, and even a difference in leg length.
The Hip Flexor Muscles. consists of two muscles: the Iliacus and the Psoas Major. The Psoas Major, the longer of the two muscles, originates on the lumbar (lower) vertebrae and attaches to the femur (thigh bone). The illiacus originates on the pelvic and attaches onto the femur.
Foundation Training Lunge Decompression
- Start with a split stance, right leg forward, left leg back. Be sure that both feet are facing straight ahead. Keeping the weight on the back big toe and second toe can help prevent the back leg from flaring to the outside. Weight should be evenly distributed between the front and back leg. Keep the back knee straight, the back heel is elevated a few inches from the ground.
- Bring arms overhead and breath high and wide. Think about breathing your ribs up and away from your pelvis.
- Shift 10%-20% more of your weight to the back leg. Continue to lift up with the breath and your arms.
- Hold for 5-10 breaths.
- Switch to the opposite leg.