Exercise Technique: Foundation Training Founder

The Founder is an excellent exercise for strengthening the back of your body, especially the underused and imbalanced muscles of the lower back. This exercise also teaches you how to stabilize your spine properly while it increases the mobility and stability of your hips. I can’t think of anyone who won't benefit from this exercise! Hold this posture for about 5 breathes. Do this a few times per day to start.
Exercise Technique
- Stand with your legs spread a little more than shoulder width apart.
- Your feet should be parallel to each other with outside of your feet straight, it may feel like you are toeing in a bit.
- Lift your sternum and unlock your knees while pushing your hips back slightly. This is hip hinging.
- Press your bodyweight back keeping your weight in your heels and grip the ground with your toes.
- Once you feel activation of the muscles in your low back, bring your arms forward or you can keep them by your side.
- Think about trying to squeeze the outside of your feet and your inner thighs together.
Think about breathing in and exhaling up. Breathe your rib cage away from your hips as a way to create more decompression of your spine.