Thoracic (Upper Back) Extension and Rotation

Your thoracic spine (upper spine) is designed to flex, extended and rotate where your lumbar (lower spine) is not, we should use our hips to rotate, extend and flex. When our upper back becomes stiff from lack of motion, and too much forward posture, the lower spine and our neck can compensate and pain can develop. Try incorporating this simple exercise…
Tags: Fitness
Five Common Health and Fitness Mistakes to Avoid - Some May Surprise You!

1. Spending lots of time on “core work” to reduce abdominal fat. Spot reduction just doesn’t work. If you are unhappy with the amount of abdominal fat you have, cleaning up your diet by getting rid of the processed food, and adding more fruits and vegetables is key. You may also want to adjust your workout routine by adding some challenging aerobic…
Tags: Fitness
Forward Fold

A forward fold, is a very common exercise done as a lower back and hamstring stretch, but is it ideal? When the spine flexes forward, and the muscles of the lower back lengthen under tension, and vertebral flexion create compressive loads on the disks. These loads exceed those deemed safe by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.…
Tags: Fitness
Foundation Training Lunge Decompression

I am being coached by Linda, a fellow Foundation Training teacher from British Columbia during our Level 2 training in Boulder last weekend. The lunge decompression is an exercise that lengthens the powerful hip flexor muscles and the muscles on the front of the body. Incorporating decompression breathing, helps to lift the rib cage and enhances the…
Tags: Fitness
Foundation Training "Woodpecker"

Foundation Training uses a combination of powerful movements and diaphragmatic breath work to activate the core and decompress the spine. When practiced regularly, your pain diminishes, your resistance to injury increases, and your body comes to life. Woodpecker, can almost be considered a single leg Founder. Woodpecker is an excellent glute and lower…
Tags: Fitness
Founder- A Powerful Foundation Training Exercise

Foundation Training uses a combination of powerful movements and diaphragmatic breath work to activate the core and decompress the spine. When practiced regularly, your pain diminishes, your resistance to injury increases, and your body comes to life. A "Founder" is one of the most basic and most powerful exercises within the Foundation Training series. Stand…
Tags: Fitness
90/90 Hip Stretch

This is one of my favorite hip stretches. Strong mobile hips are key for moving well and preventing injury. Position your front and back leg into a 90 degree angel. Sit tall and bend forward at your hip toward your front leg or just to the outside of it. Isometrically, press your knee and ankle into the floor. Hold for 15-30 seconds Now…
Tags: Fitness
Dead Bug Variation with Swiss Ball

Good core exercises put you in a position where you have to work to maintain your neutral spine, this exercise does just that. Neutral spine is the natural position of the spine when all 3 curves of the spine-cervical (neck), thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) are present and in good alignment. This is the strongest position for the spine when we…
Tags: Fitness
The Vibe Roller

Using a roller, or a ball, before a workout to “roll out your muscles,” is a technique called “self myofascial release,” or SMR. I am a big fan of this technique for the following reasons; * Reorganizes connective tissue* Increases blood flow* Increases lymphatic activity* Soft tissue elongation* Breaking adhesions* Decreases muscular tension* Diminish…
Tags: Fitness
Nearly 50% of Americans Have Heart Disease

February is heart health awareness month. Heart disease is still the number one killer of Americans. According to a recent study from the American Heart Association published in the journal Circulation, nearly 50% of adult Americans have heart disease. Part of this is because of more stringent guidelines for high blood pressure. Hypertension is…
Tags: Fitness