Habits Make Us Who We Are

It is the habits and actions we take, everyday, that move us forward in life or keep us stuck. An adult makes about 35,000 concsious decisions everyday. This number may sound crazy, but in fact, we make over 200 decisions everyday on food alone according to researchers at Cornell University. It is easy to see how during stressful times, or by by the…

Tags: Fitness, Inspiration

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Don’t Take Your Aching Joints Lying Down

Early in my career I was at a seminar given by a talented physical therapist named Tom Purvis.  Something he said has always stayed with me: “What is the most important part of the human body to consider if you want to live a long life?” Almost all of us responded by saying that the heart, or specifically a healthy cardiovascular system, was most important. …

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Pecan Ball Sub

These little pecan balls are sooooo good, and so versatile. They are good in a sub and the make great “meatballs” for spaghetti.  I also like them crumbled up in my salad for lunch. Served with a big colorful salad and a glass of chianti!  I use ground cashews as a topping for the subs and pasta. Enjoy!   Preparation time: 15 minutes Baking time:…

Tags: Main Course, Recipes

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Cauli-power Fettuccine “Alfredo”

This creamy “alfredo” sauce is divine!  It really is rich and light at the same time, I know that sounds strange but you have to try it and see if you agree. I have made other plant based alfredo sauces in the past and they have all tasted a bit starchy and heavy, this is sauce is perfect. You could also serve the sauce over a plate of roasted vegetables…

Tags: Main Course, Recipes

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Roasted Butternut Squash Tacos

I had some leftover roasted butternut squash and saw this great recipe from Cookie and Kate for Roasted Butternut Squash Tacos so I made them. Delicious! Healthy too. The slaw is super easy to make with black beans, purple cabbage, fresh lime juice and salt. It is nice with the warm roasted squash on top. I already had some homemade salsa verde on hand…

Tags: Main Course, Recipes

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Don't Just Sit There

I am sure everyone has heard that we all sit too much. Even those of us who make the effort to work out for an hour or so a day, but then sit for long periods of time, are actually considered sedentary. With this sitting behavior we actually reverse some of the benefits of our exercise program. We are designed to move, and when we don’t, there are consequences. An…

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Pasta Al Forno with Broccoli and Cauliflower

This recipe comes from my beautiful niece in law Miriam Amico.  Miriam is married to Randy’s nephew Mitch  and was born and raised in  Sicily.  The first time I had this dish was when  we were at a family gathering in Carlsbad, California, and Miriam and Mitch cooked this dish for us for dinner one night.  This dish is pure deliciousness.  I thought…

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Mid East Pilaf

Sandy Holmes, RD and a big Aspen Meatless Monday supporter, is writing a cookbook!  She is in the process of self- publishing it and I will let you know when it is available for sale.  This is a recipe I tested for her cookbook.  It is yummy and easy to make.  This recipe is going to be an after work staple for me. I especially like that you can cook…

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Fall Feast

I am in Carlsbad California for our annual fall trip to be with friends and family. We rent a house on the beach and everyone comes from various parts of the state to be together. Everyone takes a turn cooking each night, sharing food with people you love is a wonderful way to feel connected.  Last night, Randy and I did the cooking and I am going to…

Tags: Appetizers, Main Course, Recipes

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Pecan and Sage Stuffed Acorn Squash

A wonderful recipe created by Chef Martin Oswald. This dish presents really well and looks great with a colorful salad on the side.  Consider serving just one half of the stuffed squash, this dish is very filling. This dish was served to the Younger Next Year group for Meatless Monday and feedback was very positive.  A great dish to prepare if you are…

Tags: Main Course, Recipes

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